Peace Lutheran

Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Lutheran Preschool

Learn more information at Peace Lutheran Preschool

2022-2023 Classes/Tuition

T/TH -3 year old class – 8:15-12:00pm  Half Day $175 a month for 9 months/$1,575 a year

M/W/F – 4/5 year old –8:15-12:00pm Half Day $225 a month for 9 months/$2,025 a year

M-F Half Day – 8:00-12:00pm $375 a month for 9 months/ $3,375 a year

M-F All day Class- 3/4/5 year old –7:15am-5:15pm $180 a week/ based on 37 weeks/ $6,660 a year

Morning Care 7:15-8:00 am for part time classes: T/TH $40 a month M/W/F $50 a month M-F $80 a month

Extended After Class care – $5 an hour (must confirm hours/availability)

New! Coming Fall 2022- Toddler Class – Inquire at 507-334-5999

All Classes – Registration/Supply fee – $150 (Non-refundable)

Contact Information

Phone Number: 507-334-5999


Website: Peace Lutheran Preschool

Registration forms are available at the school office, on our website or by calling to register your child.

Peace Lutheran