Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We find ourselves in difficult and unprecedented times. On March 17, 2020, the church council with the recommendation and approval of Pastor Lane has decided to suspend face to face activities of Peace Lutheran Church for the time period of March 19 through at least the end of March. This decision was not arrived at lightly, the body of Christ needs to be together and receive the gifts of God where He has promised to be, in Word and Sacrament.
With this decision, we are taking steps to continue to have worship services provided but they will need to be participated in from a distance. What follows are instructions on multiple ways to attempt to connect to this worship service. We have taken steps to make different options available to connect to the services that we will provide.
If you desire to connect by phone
Dial 1-888-585-9008
It will say “Welcome to open voice audio services, please enter your conference room number followed by the # sign”
The conference room number is 698-557-213 then press # and wait. (You are not the organizer so you don’t need to do anything else)
If you desire to connect by watching live online
The web address is
If you simply go to the home page of Peace Lutheran there is a tab that says “Live Services.” Click on that tab and the service can be found there. All services will be available to watch at a later time as well.
Don’t simply listen but participate
We will also be producing a bulletin that will be available by the Thursday before the Sunday Service. It will include all material of the service and you will not need a hymnal to participate. These services can be pick up or someone will bring them to you if you desire to have one. Please let the office know if you would like a service folder to participate in the service.
Please keep giving
These can be challenging and scary times which can lead to a reaction to hold on to our things out of fear of not having. Everyone’s circumstances are different but please continue to give to church if you are able. Our bills don’t stop if we don’t meet in the sanctuary. May we continue to trust in the Lord’s provisions for us His people! Mail, drop off, or online giving are all great ways to give so that the work of the kingdom may continue forward here in this place.