First off please remember that God is in control and all those who have saving faith in Jesus Christ have the promise of eternal life. Because Jesus has defeated death in the resurrection and has promised that to those who have faith we can approach these events as sober-minded faith-filled followers of Jesus. It is in that reality that we respond as the Church. We understand that many people have a wide range of reactions right now and we are striving to be there for everyone in this time that is filled with uncertainty.
6/14/20 Livestream worship at 8:00 am
What is the plan for worship at Peace?
We have resumed in-person worship but we are having everyone sign up for the worship service they are attending. Sign up here.
How do I remain connected if I cannot come to church?
Services are currently being live-streamed on Facebook and our web page.
The Peace website is where all important information will be posted. We will try to communicate in other ways but the most updated location will be on our website.
Get our App so that any urgent message can be sent directly to your phone. Simply text “peacelc app” to 77977.
All Sermons are posted ASAP in many places one being here
What should I do if I get sick?
First off call your doctor in order to determine the plan of action that needs to be taken for the sake of your health.
As always please let the church know that you have health issues so that we too can figure out the best course of action for caring for you. Phone # 507-334-9610
If you are sick please stay home this is for the sake of your neighbor and done out of love for them. This goes double for you if you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
If you become infected with COVID-19 please follow the instructions of your health care provider and inform Pastor Lane at a minimum so we can figure out how to best care for you spiritually. For some, you may simply have to isolate for a period of time and we will pray for you and stay connected via phone and email, but for others, this may be a life-threating situation that may need greater pastoral care.